About Me

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I am the definiton of born and raised in Texas. I have lived in Texas for my entire life. There are plenty other places around the country that I have been to, but I must say there's no place like home. Whether it be the the Texas heat, the flat lands, or just the people, this place is special. But enough about Texas. My name is Jeremy and I do not have a specific political ideology. I have voted conservative in a local election but at the time of the last presidential election I wasn't old enough to vote yet. I'm taking Government because it is a required course for my degree plan but I really hope to find out more about what actually goes on in our system.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Michele Bachmann an Alien? Or Just Severe Migraines?

Michele Bachmann is another hopeful candidate for presidency in 2012.   I had never heard of her, but supposedly she suffers from migraines and it has caused her to actually lose people’s support.  Eileen Smith of “IN THE PINK” wrote a comical yet pretty irrelevant blog regarding Bachmann and her alleged migraines.  Smith’s audience obviously includes those that are familiar enough with politics to be able to poke fun at it. 
Throughout the entire commentary she is making light of Bachmann’s migraines and saying that a migraine is just an excuse for a headache for someone pain intolerant.  Actually, I have migraines and for those that do have migraines such as myself and Bachmann, they are absolutely no fun at all.  Migraine headaches often make you feel like you are going to die.  Some people even take daily medication to decrease the occurrence and intensity of them.  From experience, I know that they can limit one’s ability whether it is in the workforce or just daily life.  This being said, Smith is correct in saying that migraines could possibly affect Bachmann in office.  However, I don’t feel that it should “make or break” her candidacy. 
As far as Smith’s credibility goes, I don’t think that she has much.  She just has a very popular blog which I enjoyed to read it and I might even subscribe but it is for comical purposes only.  Her satire is funny enough to appeal to college students my age because of the crude humor but like I said there isn’t much educational value.   In this particular blog though, I disagree with her.  I disagree with the fact that headaches are not a legitimate affliction and also to her premise that Michele Bachmann has “alien blood.”

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