About Me

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I am the definiton of born and raised in Texas. I have lived in Texas for my entire life. There are plenty other places around the country that I have been to, but I must say there's no place like home. Whether it be the the Texas heat, the flat lands, or just the people, this place is special. But enough about Texas. My name is Jeremy and I do not have a specific political ideology. I have voted conservative in a local election but at the time of the last presidential election I wasn't old enough to vote yet. I'm taking Government because it is a required course for my degree plan but I really hope to find out more about what actually goes on in our system.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Let's Make a Change, Let's Make a Difference

Although Texas has not felt the wrath as much as some of the other countries in the United States, there is still much that can be fixed in our economic system.  Hundreds of thousands of families are having their backs broken with the burden of gas prices, trying to find money for kid’s college funds, as well as every day bills. 
We need new leadership.  Texas is arguably the strongest republican state in the entire country.  If people are so unhappy with the way the Texan systems are running then why don’t they vote in new leaders instead of voting Republican time after time after time?  Republicans have held almost every major office since William Clements was elected as Governor in 1978. 
There is a saying that most people have heard of: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”  This becomes relevant in politics whenever not much different is being done to change what’s going on in Texas.  Although a dominant political party is much different from a monopoly in business, the dominance of the Republican Party can still be dangerous.  Because, so many Republicans come from the same exact platform, the race for who is going to represent the Republicans in an election becomes based on who is the best “leader” or figurehead.  I don’t feel like that much is different from one Republican in office to another in the same office.  If we want change then we need to try something different. 
An example of this is Lt. Gen. Ric Sanchez running for US Senate.  Lt. Gen. Sanchez is a democrat claiming to, “focus on results rather than politics.” Unfortunately, these days politics is almost as corrupt and out of whack more so than the economic system.  It is a breath of fresh air to see new steps being taken and new leaders stepping up to try and make a difference. 

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