About Me

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I am the definiton of born and raised in Texas. I have lived in Texas for my entire life. There are plenty other places around the country that I have been to, but I must say there's no place like home. Whether it be the the Texas heat, the flat lands, or just the people, this place is special. But enough about Texas. My name is Jeremy and I do not have a specific political ideology. I have voted conservative in a local election but at the time of the last presidential election I wasn't old enough to vote yet. I'm taking Government because it is a required course for my degree plan but I really hope to find out more about what actually goes on in our system.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Voter Turnout Could Show Increase?

While the state of Texas may be one of the most populated states in the country, it is known to be misrepresented in terms of voter turnout.  Voting is one of the most important rights that we Texans, and Americans for that matter, have; and to see this right go to waste is a shame.In an article written to explain Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir’s new idea to increase voter turnout, the Texas public is asked to give opinion on a new idea to improve this disappointment.
Many believe that Texans fail to vote because of a lack of convenience during elections.  DeBeauvoir suggests that the use of “voting centers” could increase voter turnout in elections to come.  The whole idea of “voting centers” is pretty simple in that it would allow voters to vote at any place of polling in the county where the voter resides.  They are currently asking for feedback until August 15.  Overall, the notion sounds like it could work but what I’m wondering is if they can’t even get Texans to vote, how are they going to get them to present input on the proposition?
In my opinion, the idea of “voting centers” is a wonderful idea.  I think the entire proposal is especially well thought out and it appears that they may have found a way to fix some of the voting issues.  However, I do not think that “inconvenience” as the article stated, is the reason why people fail to vote.  I think that people don’t vote as much anymore because Texans have become nonchalant with voting as a whole.  The younger generations especially have become almost uncaring about elections or politics as a whole.  Also, I feel like the convenience that voters have these days is far sufficient enough to accommodate the election process.  We have become spoiled with the luxuries of the “everything is fast” lifestyles that we live.  People fail to remember that there was a time before technology.  The type of toiling procedures that those before us had to go through just to vote had to have been much worse.  People don’t vote because they choose not to.  For these reasons, I feel that the “voting centers” will not help much. 

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