About Me

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I am the definiton of born and raised in Texas. I have lived in Texas for my entire life. There are plenty other places around the country that I have been to, but I must say there's no place like home. Whether it be the the Texas heat, the flat lands, or just the people, this place is special. But enough about Texas. My name is Jeremy and I do not have a specific political ideology. I have voted conservative in a local election but at the time of the last presidential election I wasn't old enough to vote yet. I'm taking Government because it is a required course for my degree plan but I really hope to find out more about what actually goes on in our system.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Could Rick Perry Make a Difference?

Christina Hastings’s, Texas and the Presidency is a positive, opinionated editorial about Rick Perry and his chances at becoming President of the United States.  Currently, Rick Perry is Governor of Texas and Hastings and I both agree that he has done an exceptional job during his term.  Texas is one of the most successful states in the country over the last few years during the recession.  There are more jobs opening up in Texas than almost anywhere else. 
In response to Hastings’s, editorial I feel similar.  However, her commentary seemed very partial to Rick Perry and his campaign which is the main point I liked about the commentary.  It is very important that opinions are thoroughly stated so that the reader knows exactly what the speaker is trying to say.  The editorial could have used more concrete facts that had more to do with his campaign and what he stands for rather than random facts about what he has done as Governor of Texas. 
While I agree that Rick Perry could make a good President, I disagree with the fact that he will get that far.  I’m not even sure that he will win the Republican nomination.  I don’t think that he will become president because his path is too similar to George Bush’s:  A republican Governor from Texas, about the same age, with many of the same views and values as Ex President Bush.  Ever since Bush left office, he has received more and more negativity.  The similarities between Bush and Perry is what I believe will end up to be Perry’s downfall. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Evolution vs Creationism

In response to William Gee's post, Texas School Board of Gym Teachers, I have a couple of different opinions.   His argument is very well stated and I agree with his statement that science and religion are two different things and neither are around to disprove the other.  However, I do disagree with evolution.  It is important to know about evolution though as it is a huge part of science and biology.  I'm sure we differ on our opinions because of the way I grew up.  I have always been taught creationism and to believe in a higher power. 
While I feel that kids should get the opportunity to learn both creationism and evolution, I don’t necessarily think that it is a good idea to have it be a course in grade school or to spend that much time on it; the reason being that most kids that have any knowledge of religion or ideology received it from their parents.  Some of whom are very involved and serious about their faith expect for their kids to follow them in their beliefs.  Children as they grow older and begin to find themselves as they strive for adulthood are mature enough to question their own faith and even what they’ve been taught.  However, when younger youth are taught so many different things it can be very easily confused and it can be a nightmare for a parent to handle because the child is getting so much information from so many different sources. 
The best analogy I can come up with is “Spanglish” which is not a real language, but a mixture of English and Spanish.  A lot of the time young kids who learn both English and Spanish at the same time are confused when they grow older and have a hard time separating the two.  This relates to my argument because these same young minds can become confused between what’s being taught at home and at school.  I believe it would just be better off the way it is in school: spending just enough time on evolution to give kids and idea and a background on the content. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Let's Make a Change, Let's Make a Difference

Although Texas has not felt the wrath as much as some of the other countries in the United States, there is still much that can be fixed in our economic system.  Hundreds of thousands of families are having their backs broken with the burden of gas prices, trying to find money for kid’s college funds, as well as every day bills. 
We need new leadership.  Texas is arguably the strongest republican state in the entire country.  If people are so unhappy with the way the Texan systems are running then why don’t they vote in new leaders instead of voting Republican time after time after time?  Republicans have held almost every major office since William Clements was elected as Governor in 1978. 
There is a saying that most people have heard of: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”  This becomes relevant in politics whenever not much different is being done to change what’s going on in Texas.  Although a dominant political party is much different from a monopoly in business, the dominance of the Republican Party can still be dangerous.  Because, so many Republicans come from the same exact platform, the race for who is going to represent the Republicans in an election becomes based on who is the best “leader” or figurehead.  I don’t feel like that much is different from one Republican in office to another in the same office.  If we want change then we need to try something different. 
An example of this is Lt. Gen. Ric Sanchez running for US Senate.  Lt. Gen. Sanchez is a democrat claiming to, “focus on results rather than politics.” Unfortunately, these days politics is almost as corrupt and out of whack more so than the economic system.  It is a breath of fresh air to see new steps being taken and new leaders stepping up to try and make a difference. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Michele Bachmann an Alien? Or Just Severe Migraines?

Michele Bachmann is another hopeful candidate for presidency in 2012.   I had never heard of her, but supposedly she suffers from migraines and it has caused her to actually lose people’s support.  Eileen Smith of “IN THE PINK” wrote a comical yet pretty irrelevant blog regarding Bachmann and her alleged migraines.  Smith’s audience obviously includes those that are familiar enough with politics to be able to poke fun at it. 
Throughout the entire commentary she is making light of Bachmann’s migraines and saying that a migraine is just an excuse for a headache for someone pain intolerant.  Actually, I have migraines and for those that do have migraines such as myself and Bachmann, they are absolutely no fun at all.  Migraine headaches often make you feel like you are going to die.  Some people even take daily medication to decrease the occurrence and intensity of them.  From experience, I know that they can limit one’s ability whether it is in the workforce or just daily life.  This being said, Smith is correct in saying that migraines could possibly affect Bachmann in office.  However, I don’t feel that it should “make or break” her candidacy. 
As far as Smith’s credibility goes, I don’t think that she has much.  She just has a very popular blog which I enjoyed to read it and I might even subscribe but it is for comical purposes only.  Her satire is funny enough to appeal to college students my age because of the crude humor but like I said there isn’t much educational value.   In this particular blog though, I disagree with her.  I disagree with the fact that headaches are not a legitimate affliction and also to her premise that Michele Bachmann has “alien blood.”

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Voter Turnout Could Show Increase?

While the state of Texas may be one of the most populated states in the country, it is known to be misrepresented in terms of voter turnout.  Voting is one of the most important rights that we Texans, and Americans for that matter, have; and to see this right go to waste is a shame.In an article written to explain Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir’s new idea to increase voter turnout, the Texas public is asked to give opinion on a new idea to improve this disappointment.
Many believe that Texans fail to vote because of a lack of convenience during elections.  DeBeauvoir suggests that the use of “voting centers” could increase voter turnout in elections to come.  The whole idea of “voting centers” is pretty simple in that it would allow voters to vote at any place of polling in the county where the voter resides.  They are currently asking for feedback until August 15.  Overall, the notion sounds like it could work but what I’m wondering is if they can’t even get Texans to vote, how are they going to get them to present input on the proposition?
In my opinion, the idea of “voting centers” is a wonderful idea.  I think the entire proposal is especially well thought out and it appears that they may have found a way to fix some of the voting issues.  However, I do not think that “inconvenience” as the article stated, is the reason why people fail to vote.  I think that people don’t vote as much anymore because Texans have become nonchalant with voting as a whole.  The younger generations especially have become almost uncaring about elections or politics as a whole.  Also, I feel like the convenience that voters have these days is far sufficient enough to accommodate the election process.  We have become spoiled with the luxuries of the “everything is fast” lifestyles that we live.  People fail to remember that there was a time before technology.  The type of toiling procedures that those before us had to go through just to vote had to have been much worse.  People don’t vote because they choose not to.  For these reasons, I feel that the “voting centers” will not help much. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Drama Over the Death Penalty

In an article provided by The Texas Tribune, Governor Rick Perry is facing a bit of controversy regarding his stance on the death penalty.  Throughout his 10 year tenure, Perry has over seen the executions of 230 inmates.  As many know, Governor Perry is attempting to try his hand at the presidential election.  Many are worried that his stance on the death penalty could stray voters away. 
As already stated Perry is obviously in favor of the Death Penalty, a penalty that millions find too harsh.  Make no mistake; this man is not a ruthless killer.  He has commuted the death sentences of 31 prisoners; although 28 of which were commuted on basis that they could be too young to be tried as an adult. 
This article is worth reading because it shows how behavior and tendencies of a state official could positively or negatively influence support from national voters.  I am one that believes that no crime should be punishable by death and that if man or woman doesn’t learn their “lesson” after 20-30 years, then it won’t be learned in their lifetime.  I, like many others, am eager to see how Perry’s decisions will affect his candidacy.